There are a few things that raise us early in the morning: good company, the perfect wave, and the smell of freshly roasted coffee. We roast weekly on a Probat P12 to ensure consistent roasts with uniform bean patterns to guarantee each cup carries you through the day. Orders ship Wednesday through Friday.
Like a standing wave, no two cups of coffee are ever truly the same. That said, these Roasts are especially curated for all coffee drinkers, from novice to expert.
Get lost with this hard-hitting, robust mix of coffee bean varietals that can handle a darker roast and yet yield less acidity. Full-bodied and classic flavors produced from these origins’ rich and diverse soils. You have found the best diner drip coffee for the many paths ahead. #StayLostAndGetFound | A true Class V rapid on the Upper Youghiogheny. Flow through a couple of flat spinning holes and small pools into Lost & Found rapid. The falls are hole-filled and this rapid includes the notorious undercut rock slab fondly known as Tombstone Rock. Fortunately, the line to avoid this death trap is pretty easy: go between the rocks and make sure you finish right of the big center rock.
A continental combination of two South American coffee producing powerhouses. This dynamically designed espresso blend is bold and bright. Light enough to be sweet and yet dark enough for a thick crema for that perfect double shot! #MakeMineADoubleHydraulic | Double Hydraulics is a Class III+ rapid famous for surfing on the Lower Youghiogheny. As the name implies, the first hole is a pour over ledge and the second hole is playable at the right water levels. The standard line is to catch the first eddy in river center and a second eddy further down and to the right.
A staple mix of Central and South American coffees to reach an elevated, lighter brew that is perfect for a morning cup or all-day gusto. Bright and crisp acidity with caffeinated Ramcat energy. #GimmeThatRamcat | The Ramacat is the first Class II rapid of the mighty Middle Youghiogheny. Usually run down the middle or right side at lower water to avoid rocks. At high water, a wicked hydraulic forms on the river left at the bottom.
Show your love and hit the trails outfitted with SWCR gear. We strive to provide high-quality, domestically produced goods made with sustainable partners and practices.
Our mission is to take only memories and leave only footprints. We further strive to be a more sustainable roaster that minimizes that footprint. We reinvest 5% of all profits to help protect &preserve local river ecosystems. Join our family and let us do the coffee business better. #RideWithUs