A curated cold brew blend that is highly energetic, low acidity, and of delicate fruit and cocoa characteristics. #CamelWalrusColdBrew | At low and moderate levels, there is a rock on the far river right that looks like a camel's head and hump - this is 'Camel' rock. Downstream and river left is a dark rock in the center of the river that looks like a 'Walrus' - take the usual line to the left of 'Camel' rock and to the right of 'Walrus,' punching hard or boofing the ledge that runs diagonally. Camel & Walrus is a Class II+ rapid, but we've kicked this cold brew up a few classes.
We named this unique roast for one of our favorite spots on the Allegheny River. The currents are steady and consistent, fantastic for beginners.